Scouting in Tameside South would not be possible without the passion, hard work and dedication by all the adult volunteers that give up their evenings and weekends to provide activities for the young people of their groups. They do not only give up their nights during the week to meet at the venue (or from their homes at the moment) but the hours of planning and preparation that goes into every programme is worshipped by the young people of this district.
Throughout the pandemic, scouting in Tameside South has managed to continue thanks to the amazing hard work and passion from all the leaders. Running scouts from our homes has been a real challenge but every leader has managed to provide an exciting and engaging programme from their living room so as a district we give them a massive thank you from everyone.
If you are unsure where you are up to with your training then do not hesitate to contact Keith Burdon, District Training Advisor, who will assist you in the completion of any outstanding training modules. Dispite training sessions not being able to take place in person, they are being run by the GME county training team for different modules so training can still be completed ready for a return.
Risk Assessments
As we are now in 2021 it is time to plan and prepare risk assessments for Face to Face scouting and get paperwork upto date for activities that are/will be taking place in the coming months.